Hard FM

Reinforcing Foundations

At Ontegra, we regard the physical integrity and optimal functionality of infrastructure as the bedrock of our service offerings. Our Hard Facilities Management (Hard FM) services are crafted to ensure your assets are not just maintained but fortified against the test of time.

Energy Management

Industry-Specific Security Expertise

Our deep understanding of different industries enables us to customize security solutions that align with the unique challenges and risks of each sector. This bespoke strategy enhances our efficiency and effectiveness in safeguarding assets, information, and people.


Technology-Enhanced Vigilance

Ontegra’s security services are bolstered by state-of-the-art surveillance and monitoring technologies. By integrating advanced systems and intelligent analytics, we ensure proactive prevention and swift response to any potential or real-time threats.


Intelligent Energy Optimization

We offer a suite of Energy Management Services designed to transcend traditional practices. With a blend of industry expertise and advanced technology, we create a synergy between operational demands and energy efficiency.


Building Energy Audit

Through comprehensive evaluations, we identify opportunities for energy savings, ensuring that each system performs at its peak with the least environmental impact.


Cutting-edge Technology Integration

In the digital era, infrastructure is incomplete without smart technology. We integrate Building Management Systems (BMS), Energy Management, and Smart Automation to bring your facilities into the future. By leveraging IoT, we interconnect every element of your facility, enabling seamless communication between systems. This connectivity ensures that whether it’s lighting, security, or energy management, all systems operate in a symphony of efficiency, intuitively responding to both the environment and occupant needs.

Connect with us to explore how we can solidify the foundations of your assets, ensuring a legacy of strength and functionality.

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