General Manager

Adnan JabriGeneral Manager Ontegra

A Word from Our General Manager

In the realm of facilities management, Ontegra stands as a beacon of progress and innovation. Our transformation from Deyaar Facilities Management to Ontegra is not just a rebranding but a reaffirmation of our commitment to pioneering the future of our industry.

As we embark on this new chapter, we carry with us over two decades of expertise, an enduring legacy of excellence, and a vision that consistently looks forward. Our focus remains fixed on delivering intelligent, AI-driven FM solutions that not only meet today’s demands but are designed to evolve with tomorrow’s advancements.

Ontegra is more than our new name — it is our promise to you.A promise of operational performance excellence, of sustainability leadership, and of a partnership that puts your needs at the core of everything we do.

We pledge to maintain the highest standards, to foster innovation, and to continue providing the bespoke service that has become synonymous with our name.We believe in a world where facilities management transcends the operational to become a catalyst for better living spaces and working environments.At Ontegra, we don’t just manage facilities; we elevate and sustain them with the utmost precision and care.

Thank you for joining us on this remarkable journey.Together, we will not only imagine the future of facilities management but also shape it.

Onward and upward to the future of integration in facilities management.